The company "Spotvi" since 2002, professionally works in the market of manufacturing and supplying of fire-technical and emergency-rescue products, and during this time the products under the trademarks "Spotvi and Pozhtekstil" became known in Russia and abroad.
The company is located in the territory of the Eastern administrative district of Moscow, which is widely known to experts in fire and just lovers of Antiques the most beautiful building of the Sokolniki police and fire station with a tower-the tower 1881 -1884 years of construction. This building still serves its noble purpose, for there is fire station No. 12 for the protection of Moscow.
This historical monument and inspired us to the idea of collecting and studying materials on the most interesting historical buildings, fire stations, including fire tower built in the XIX - early XX century.
Noting the enduring interest in this topic from the professional workers of fire protection, as well as pursuing the promotion of fire safety, we have undertaken work on the development and implementation of the educational project "Fire-tower of Russia." On the basis of our company materials decided to create a series of wall calendars and booklet outlining the concept of the project, the location of the photographs with information on the history presented firehouses.
The fire tower is an integral part of the panorama of the ancient Russian cities. The watchtower began to be erected from the late eighteenth century As a rule, the tower was crowned with a two-storey building police stations, which originally housed a fire brigade. Active construction began in the early nineteenth century after the decree of Alexander I "On the addition with the inhabitants of Moscow duty to put fire Ministers, and the establishment thereof in the fire brigade", and continued mainly in large cities up to 30-ies of the last century. In addition to the patrol service tower was used for signaling: posted on the watch-tower leather signal balls in the daytime or the lights at night were notified neighboring fire departments on the size and location of the fire.